GM8042台式可调谐激光光源模块主要用于高精密波分复用DWDM元件、光波导光栅阵列AWG元件、平面光波导PLC元件、光放大器EDFA、DWDM系统以及其它通用的光纤的光学测量和应用。GM8042可调谐激光光源系统具有波长精度高,输出功率大、尺寸小巧、启动快速、价格实惠等特点。UC Instruments 公司可提供C波段,L波段,C+L波段的GM8042台式可调谐激光光源模块供选择。
技术规格 Specification
型号 Model #
选项 Option
波长范围 Wavelength range
1525.00 to 1568.00 nm
1568.00 to 1610.00 nm
1525.00 to 1610.00 nm
输出功率 Output Power
>= 20 mW
>= 10 mW
>= 5.0 mW
功率可调范围 Power Adjust Range
25 dB
25 dB
25 dB
波长分辨率 Wavelength resolution
1.0 pm
Absolute wavelength accuracy
± 10 pm, tpy. < 5 pm
Relative wavelength accuracy
± 5 pm, Typ. ± 2 pm
Wavelength repeatability
± 2 pm, typ. ±1 pm
波长稳定性 Wavelength stability
<= ± 2 pm (恒温24小时下, 24 hrs at constant temperature)
调谐速度 Tuning speed
<= 0.02 s per step
功率稳定性 Power stability
< ± 0.1 dB, 24 hours.
功率重复性 Power repeatability
± 0.05 dB
功率线性度 Power linearity
± 0.3 dB
Power flatness versus wavelength
0.3 dB typ., 0.5 dB max.
Side-mode Suppression ratio
>= 40 dB
Relative intensity noise
< -135 dB
电源功率 Power
AC 100 - 240 V ± 10%, 48 - 66 Hz, 100 VA max.
存储温度 Storage temperature
−40°C to +80°C
工作温度 Operating temperature
0°C to +45°C
外形尺寸 Dimensions
200 mm W, 105 mm H, 250 mm D
重量 Weight
9.0 lbs
1. High Wavelength Accuracy 波长精度高
2. High Output Power 输出功率大
3. Fast Start-up 启动时间短
4. Small Dimension 整体尺寸小
1. CWDM,DWDM, Filter, Components, Module, System Testing CWDM, DWDM 滤光片,元件,模块和系统测量
2. OPM, Iterleaver, DPSK,WSS ,PLC, AWG components, modules testing OPM, Interleaver, DPSK, WSS, PLC, AWG 元件和模块测量
3. Fiber Grating Sensors Sweep Testing 光纤传感器扫描测量
4. Fiber Optic Test Equipments Inspection and Testing 光纤测量仪器的检验和测量
5. Laser Sweep Optical Spectrum Analyze 激光扫描光谱分析
6. R&D and Lab Application R&D和实验室应用
7. Optical Coating Application 光学镀膜应用 |